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Happy Australia Day

by Elena @ 26/01/2011 04:47 am  

January 26th is the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of 11 convict ships from Great Britain, and the raising of the Union Jack at Sydney Cove by its commander Captain Arthur Phillip, in 1788.

We not only celebrate this day to remember our past, but also to unite Australians, no matter where you are origionally from, and celebrate living in this fantastic country of ours.

I wish everyone a very Happy Australia Day, and please remember that even on a day like today, the victims of the Queensland floods and Victoria floods are still cleaning and rebuilding their lives. Please donate if you can: Donate to the disaster relief appeal

Queensland Floods

by Elena @ 12/01/2011 02:50 am  

It has been a horrible time in Queensland recently, with most of the state declared a natural disaster zone. 9 lives confirmed dead, 4 of which were children and many more missing. It is a hard time for Queenslanders and the water is still coming. If the drought wasn't enough, mother nature is now unleashing too much water upon us and I can only sit at home and watch in horror as others live it.

My thoughts go out to anyone out there who is affected by this latest tragedy and Australian's will pull together and help each other out as we have in the past.


by Elena @ 06/01/2011 04:56 pm  

Members may now submit fan works for the author Jim Butcher. Please be aware of a new rule that has been created for this category - it is this way because it is the only way the author will allow fan works to be displayed on the internet.

Rule 24 - Jim Butcher Fan Fiction: Any stories submitted under this category MUST have this disclaimer in the 'Author's Notes' section: "The Dresden Files/Codex Alera is copyright Jim Butcher. This story is licensed under the Creative Commons as derivative, noncommercial fiction." - Failing to add this disclaimer or removing it will result in the rejection or deletion of your story from Gluttony.

Please respect the rights of the original author and have fun :)

Welcome back...

by Elena @ 04/01/2011 08:23 am  

Please welcome ForgottenFace back as a Validator :) It's great to have her back.

Happy New Year's

by Elena @ 31/12/2010 04:29 am  

Wishing all of you a very Happy New Year and see you all in 2011 :)

Happy Christmas

by Elena @ 26/12/2010 02:14 am  

To all my wonderful members, I hope you all have a very Happy Christmas (holiday, or other celebratory day). Stay safe and I look forward to more fun in 2011.

I have updated the Featured Stories list with various Christmas stories, so I hope you enjoy.

A note from the Admin

by Elena @ 12/12/2010 12:01 pm  

Hi to all my lovely members :)

I'm sorry I have been absent and the site has slowed down. Real life has been chatoic, and only getting busier at this time of year.

Some of you may already know, but I am also working on a manuscript that I hope to get published, so this has also taken much of my time.

However, I'd like to welcome Georgia Weasley back as a Validator. She re-joins myself and Pookha as your admin team.

Christmas is fast approaching and I'm calling for all of your festive stories to be left as a comment and I'll update the Featured Stories list.

Hopefully the new year will bring in more time and to get this site back to its normal pace

Want to Volunteer?

If you have time and want to help out here, pop on over to the forums and sent me a message. Help is always appreciated and I have a few projects that have been placed on hold because I don't have the time required to work on them. Aside from the story archive, I do have a 'News' site that was supposed to get up and running as well as a multi-world RPG.

So if you want to help out in any way, just let me know and we can wtork things out :)

Software Update

by Elena @ 23/10/2010 02:50 am  

The site will be down shortly so I can back-up files and update the efiction software :)

EDIT: Okay, I've updated. If you come across any errors/bugs/glitches etc., please leave a comment and I'll look into it.

Also, I know I removed some story info like Character's etc. If there is something that is missing, let me know so I can fix that too :)

Runners Up

by Elena @ 04/10/2010 02:22 am  

Because there were so few nominations, I could not go without honouring the Nominee's (runners up) in the voting categories. We really do have some very gifted Authors here at Gluttony and they were nominated by their peers for a reason. So here is a gift for those that didn't win, but were nominated :) Click on name to collect gift.

The Best Of's:

The Hogwarts Era's:

The Genres:

The Lengths:

The Originals:

The Shrieking Shack Members Choice Awards:

The remaining Winners for the PI Awards

by Elena @ 03/10/2010 04:04 am  

After the voting, here are the remaining winners :) Congratulations to you all.

The Best Of's:

The Hogwarts Era's:

The Genres:

The Lengths:

The Originals:

The Shrieking Shack Members Choice Awards:

Thank you again to all who participated this year, and congratulations to everyone who was nominated and to the winners :)


by Elena @ 24/09/2010 04:36 am  

The issue with voting seems to be a skin coding issue. I will be changing the default skin so voting can take place. There may be some glitches in the skin as I go through the code to fix things. I will settle on a new default skin permanently when I have decided which I like better - Or you all tell me which...LOL...


by Elena @ 23/09/2010 03:18 am  

I'm fixing some code, so you may encounter some errors when accessing the forum. Don't panic though ;)

Vote in the PI Awards and some Winners Announced

by Elena @ 22/09/2010 01:26 pm  

I'm sorry this has taken so long, but here is the list of Voting threads and Winners by default. Please click on links to collect awards, all titled links rated 12+.

Thank you to all who participated in nominations and congratulations to all who have won so far :) You are all truly deserving.

The Best Of's

The Hogwarts Era's

The Genres

The Lengths

The Originals

The Ships

  • Winner for Best Ship (Harry Potter) - Georgia Weasley for 'Draco/Asteria' in 'Enough'

  • Best Ship (Other Fan Dom) - No Nominations

  • Best Unusual Pairing (Other Fan Dom) - No Nominations

  • Best Unusual Pairing (Harry Potter) - No Nominations

The Shrieking Shack Members Choice Awards

Disclaimer: Awards made by Elena using graphics from outlawbydesign.com (M)

I know...

by Elena @ 22/09/2010 07:22 am  

I suck, I'm sorry.

I'm fixing up the PI threads now.

The PI Awards

by Elena @ 14/09/2010 12:36 am  

I'm so sorry everyone. Life simply has me at the moment. I'll get the winners awards out today and voting forums up so you can vote :)

We Remember

by Elena @ 12/09/2010 10:46 am  

9 years on, and we still cannot forget that devastating day. I can remember exactly what I was doing the night the reports were coming in on the TV and history has changed forever. We here, at Gluttony, send our thoughts and prayers to the families and loved ones who lost someone that day. It still astounds me that the people of New York overcame such a tragedy and banded together to not allow terrorism beat them. 11/9 touched so many of us from all corners of the world and we will forever remember the fallen, the heroes and the survivors.

Happy Fathers Day

by Elena @ 05/09/2010 05:14 am  

To all of Gluttony's Dad's and Single Mum's, I hope you have a very Happy Father's Day (even though it may not be fathers day in your country) :)

Extending Nominations

by Elena @ 01/09/2010 07:10 am  

Due to the late start in nominating, I'll extend till the end of this week (5th September, standard eastern Australian time). Once they close, I'll set the polls for voting.

For those who have decided to participate, thank you :) Depending on the level of nominations, this may be the last year the awards run. So make sure you get them in and thank your fellow Authors :)

The Pure Indulgence Awards

by Elena @ 21/08/2010 01:10 pm  

The Pure Indulgence Awards is a way to honour and to thank your fellow fan fiction and original fiction writers. It is a way to thank others who have been brave enough to post up stories for us all to read and comment about. WE KNOW how hard it is to write something, post it up, and have it criticised, and we love it when it's loved.

But please, do not bring these kinds of award systems down to just nominating/voting for 'friends'. Gluttony has a whole archive of wonderful stories, drabbles and poems all written by its wonderful members. WE are all friends here, a small community of writers brought together by a common bond, and that is the love of writing (and mostly, Harry Potter).

I have NEVER forced my members to participate, and I will not do that now. I will say that it is up to you if the awards run, how they run and what stories get nominated and voted for. I had very little participation last year, but for those that did nominate/vote, I thank you for being so kind and dedicated.

There are 36 categories to nominate people in. If you ARE worried about your friends, I'm sure there are enough categories for you to nominate each one of them in. The categories are:

1. Best Writers Forum/Site

2. Best Reviewer

3. Best Collaboration

4. Best 'Fan Girl'/'Fan Boy' Reviewer

5. The Best Twilight Fan Fic

6. Marauder

7. Next Generation

8. Pre-Hogwarts

9. Post-Hogwarts

10. Hogwarts

11. Drama

12. Romance

13. Angst

14. Action/Adventure

15. Canon

16. AU (Alternate Universe)

17. Humour

18. Mystery/Suspense

19. Novel

20. Short Story

21. Trilogy/Series

22. Drabble

23. One-Shot

24. Best Original Story

25. Best Original Character (Original Fiction)

26. Best Original Character (Fan Fiction)

27. Best Ship (Other Fan Dom)

28. Best Ship (Harry Potter)

29. Best Unusual Pairing (Other Fan Dom)

30. Best Unusual Pairing (Harry Potter)

31. Member's Choice (Graphic Artist)

32. Member's Choice (Beta)

33. Member's Choice (Author) - Other Fan Dom

34. Member's Choice (Author) - Harry Potter

35. Member's Choice (Story) - Other Fan Dom

36. Member's Choice (Story) - Harry Potter

The future of the award system is up to you. You are the members, you are the people who make Gluttony what it is. If you chose to participate, I hope you have fun :) If not, I hope you continue to enjoy what Gluttony has to offer.

The P. I. Awards are NOW OPEN!

by Elena @ 09/08/2010 10:40 am  

The Pure Indulgence Awards are NOW OPEN for nominating. Please pay attention to the few simple rules below and nominations are open till the end of the month (31 August - Standard Eastern Australian Time - Check main page of Gluttony or Temperance for the time and date).

Rules for Nominating

1. You MUST be a member of Gluttony and Temperance
2. Be honest and fair and DO NOT Nominate Yourself

  • a. Only Stories/Author's on Gluttony are allowed to be nominated.

  • b. The only exception to this rule are for the following categories: Best Writers Forum, Member's Choice (Beta) and Member's Choice (Graphic Artist).

  • c. For the above categories, please be sure that the Site/Member is aware that you are nominating them. It IS possible that the site/member does not want to participate in a system like this.

4. Nominate once only in each category.
5. Collaborations - You MAY nominate for the collaboration you are a part of. I have set up the questions to allow for you to say that you are a part of it and you must say what your level of participation was.
6. Have Fun!

The Pure Indulgence Awards

by Elena @ 07/08/2010 02:05 pm  

Its that time of year again. I'll be updating the forums in the next week for the 2010 Awards. Keep your eyes open for when Nominations open, update or get in those stories for people to read, read and review the wonderful stories here so you know what to nominate and vote for. There are MANY categories, so your chances of walking away with an award is pretty high :) Here are some sample awards:

Hi and an apology

by Elena @ 05/08/2010 06:50 am  

Hello members :)

I'm sorry I have been MIA, I have essay's to do, a house to unpack and kids to settle down, so life has been chaotic!

This doesn't mean we aren't going ahead with anything here at Gluttony ;) The new Jim Butcher category is being worked on and plans to get the new RPG and Newspaper up and running are still there too.

If you are interested with helping with any of these things, please do not hesitate to contact us, or drop a line into us over at the forum.

Site Down Time

by Elena @ 16/07/2010 08:01 am  

Around 8:30pm tonight, the site may be down for a period of time. I'm not sure how long the down time will be, it is due to an unscheduled outage by my host server. My apologies in advance.

New Fan Doms Opening

by Elena @ 10/07/2010 09:30 am  


This is posted on Jim Butcher's site, dated April 29, 2010 (Thanks to Georgia_Weasley for bringing this to my attention)

Note: This new policy was put in place on the forum several months ago, but we felt it needed to be announced in a more public place!

We are pleased to announce that Jim is altering his stance on fanfiction, much like Mercedes Lackey did last October. Rather than upholding the awkward "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy towards fanfiction he used in the past, Jim is embracing the Creative Commons. Now, fanfiction is to be licensed as derivative, noncommercial fiction under the Creative Commons umbrella.

What does this mean?

A) You can't make money from fanfic based on Jim's work.
B) Jim still isn't going to read it. (Wouldn't you rather he spend that time writing the next book, anyway?) Do not send Jim your stories or story ideas.
C) You need to post a disclaimer on your fic, like this handy example: "The Dresden Files/Codex Alera is copyright Jim Butcher. This story is licensed under the Creative Commons as derivative, noncommercial fiction." In doing so, you waive any rights to that work--you can't sue Jim for compensation if he writes something similar.
D) Fanfic can now be talked about in places that had previously been off-limits, like our forum. We've created a separate "Fan Creations" section of the forum for for this purpose.
E) Ponies and ice cream for everyone!*

* This is not actually a byproduct of the new policy. Sorry.

Happy writing, folks!

Also, I may be opening up a section for Cassandra Clare. Please WAIT till I officially open this category before you post any stories :)


by Elena @ 08/05/2010 04:03 am  

The forums should be okay to use now. There have been a few glitches that work themselves out, but if you do come across any, just let me know and I'll get on to fixing it.

Tomorrow, Sunday May 9th, is Mother's Day in Australia. So to all Mother's, and in some cases, Dad's - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!

If you have a story about mothers/parents - Comment to this news post about which story it is and I'll have it featured :)