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Hall of Fame Awards - Nominees

by Elena @ 18/06/2017 04:18 pm  

The Hall of Fame awards has begun. I have just posted the Nominees for Best Story, Best Fan Girl/Boy, and Best Ship. You do have to be a part of Temperance, the forums, to vote - However, voting will not commence till 03 July, 2017.

All Nominees were selected by previous wins/or nominations (if not enough members to fill nominee spots) in the P.I. Awards and/or being in the top categories on Gluttony.

As some nominees may be gone from Fan Fiction - or moved on to other sites, if you recognise a pen name, give them a poke to let them know. I will contact each member, but Gluttony/Temperance may have old information.

The nominees are:

Best Story:

What Goes Around...Comes Around...by Holly Ilex

Of Dogs and Dragons by Labby

Circle of Love by juls

Redemption of Malfoy by gnilworkj

In a Family Way by Georgia Weasley

Best Fan Girl/Boy:

Holly Ilex



Ford The Prefect


Best Ship:

Romina Stephanie for James/Lily in Stars Shining Bright

Pookha for Dudley/Lavender in Dudley and Lavender: A Love Story

SiruslyPeeved for Severus/Lily in Unwritten

datbenik513 for Hermione/Harry/Luna in Shadowlands

Georgia Weasley for Draco/Asteria in Enough*

*Entry allowed as all nominees were picked from winning in the P.I. Awards. To be fair, Georgia Weasley's story won in 2010 (Winner for Best Ship (Harry Potter)), so I wanted her to have a chance in the Hall of Fame Awards - But her story had been deleted from the archive. She has reposted what was re-written of her story today so it can be read.

Pure Indulgence Awards - Hall of Fame

by Elena @ 04/06/2017 01:23 pm  

I will be kickstarting the Hall of Fame Awards off at midnight on the 19th of June (Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)). I will list the chosen nominees for Best Story, Best Fan Girl/Boy, and Best Ship. I will have this nomination open for two weeks before opening the voting for two weeks. I'd like for people to be able to read the authors nominated to vote before voting begins. Voting will run from midnight on the 3rd of July to 11:59pm on the 16th of July (AEST).

During this time, I'll be deliberating who will take the three major Hall of Fame titles: Best Member, Best Author, and Best Reviewer.

I will announce all winners and allocate prizes/awards on the 17th of July.

Happy Fan reading 😊

The Pure Indulgence Awards 2017

by Elena @ 13/05/2017 04:21 pm  

I will host these in October. Samples and a poll for interest is listed on the forums. You do need to be a member of the forum to participate. I have created a poll on Gluttony too, to register interest. I do have a baby due in September, so I do need to know if the interest is there to host these :) Please poke your friends, post your stories, read and review so you can nominate or be nominated. I have MANY categories, so people generally walk away with an award or two.

Hall of Fame Awards

by Elena @ 25/03/2017 02:03 am  

The Hall of Fame awards will be held later this year. I will have 3 categories (Best Story, Best Fan Girl/Boy, Best Ship) that can be voted by peers with the winners receiving an Award and a $10 Amazon e-Voucher. Those that are nominated, all I ask is that you update your account with your current email address so the winner can receive their voucher or email me your details to admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com.

3 separate categories will be picked by myself. These categories are: Best Member ($30 e-Voucher), Best Author ($20 e-Voucher), and Best Reviewer ($20 e-Voucher) and an Award.

The nominees cannot be nominated by members. I will base my selection on various criteria for example, but not limit to: activity on site past/present, the site stats, previous competitions and awards.

This is open to all Members and Authors on Gluttony as end of 31/12/2016.

This may be an annual event. It will depend on interest and participation.

For any new members or potential members - this is an opportunity, not just to be a part of a community of awesome people who share your passion, but to also have the chance to be recognised and thanked by your peers for being a 'fan'. This world is ours - how little or how much you want to be a part of it is up to you 😊

Hall of Fame Awards and P.I. Awards

by Elena @ 26/02/2017 01:28 pm  

I will be announcing details in the coming weeks.

The Hall of Fame Awards cannot be nominated for, but voting can take place in some categories.

The P.I. Awards will possibly go ahead in August if the members come back for it. I did try in 2010, but no-one came back to the site to participate. This is for YOU to thank your favourite Authors, reviewers, graphic artist etc. So please spread the word and hopefully 2017 will see people being Awarded.

New Skins

by Elena @ 07/01/2017 06:57 am  

I have added new skins. If you find any glitches, please let me know. Otherwise, enjoy :)

Competitions Closed

by Elena @ 25/12/2016 12:18 pm  

Gluttony used to host the fun Review-A-Thons and other comps where Amazon Gift Vouchers and other prizes were won by members. As the site, has slowed, the competitions section is now closed. If we pick up in members and get enough for participation, I will re-open this section.

Prizes were/are all out of my pocket - Gluttony (a.k.a. Me) will NEVER ask for donations for hosting, site costs, or prizes. This site is here purely for fans to share with other fans.

Merry Christmas

by Elena @ 25/12/2016 07:13 am  

Merry Christmas to you all and I hope you enjoy a happy and safe Holiday.

I have featured some Christmas stories to get us through the Holiday period.

Pure Indulgence Awards - Hall of Fame

by Elena @ 23/12/2016 01:51 pm  

Next year, I will be hosting a Hall of Fame Awards. These will be strictly for members who have stories on the archive, date ending 31/12/2016.

Calling for staff members

by Elena @ 07/12/2016 04:50 pm  

Gluttony is owned and operated solely by myself. I am trying to get new authors to the site, but without any other staff members and having limited time myself, it is hard to run this archive or even restore it to its former glory.

I am calling for members or newbies to help with Gluttony again. It's all voluntary work, in your own time and you get a say as to how Gluttony works, the direction its heading, adding new categories and/or fun things to do while enjoying our fandoms. If you think you'd like to have a go, you are more than welcome to apply here: Staff Application Form

You do need to be registered at Temperance for the form to work. Otherwise, you can email me at: admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com.

Update to FAQs (Help)

by Elena @ 25/11/2016 05:54 am  

I have added in the reason for Gluttony's strict ToS and Site Rules. I, in no way, want to restrict anyone's creativity. However, I must also be aware of laws and guidelines for hosting this site.

Why is there a MA18+ Rating, but erotica/porn/smut is not allowed?

I live in Australia with Australian hosting. I must abide by the laws implemented in the country that I reside. I must abide by my hosts Acceptable Use Policy: Sections 1, points B and C:

  • Publishing, downloading or transmitting any Prohibited Content or Potentially Prohibited Content. This includes content which is or would be classified RC, X18+ or R18+ by the Classification Board

  • Publishing, downloading or transmitting Restricted Content, that is content that is likely to be considered unsuitable for minors without using appropriate warnings and/or labelling systems for that content.


by Elena @ 14/08/2016 05:00 am  

If you wish to become a staff member here at Gluttony and have a say in how it is run and also how to attract new members, you are more than welcome to apply here: http://www.gluttonyfiction.com/forum/app.php/applicationform. You do need to be registered at Temperance for the form to work. Otherwise, you can email me at: admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com.

Cursed Child

by Elena @ 02/08/2016 10:00 am  

With the release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, I have added a Cursed Child category under Next Gen, and a Spoiler warning.

New Skins

by Elena @ 11/06/2016 12:14 pm  

I'll be adding in more responsive skins which are mobile device friendly. I apologise for the header, I'm playing around with designs so these will change.

R.I.P. Alan Rickman (a.k.a. Severus Snape)

by Elena @ 15/01/2016 07:33 am  

Hello my fellow HP writers/readers,

We mourn a man who bought one of our favourite characters to life. Although Alan Rickman played many characters during his career, it is Severus Snape that we will remember him for in our HP community.

To honour this man, I have featured Severus Snape related stories. If I have missed any or if you feel one should be featured, let me know and I will add it.

Skin Changes

by Elena @ 14/01/2016 12:51 pm  

Gluttony will go through a skin change. I'm adding some responsive themes. This will also help the site work better on mobile devices.

If you find any glitches, let me know :)

Domain Transfer

by Elena @ 18/12/2015 01:07 pm  

Hi everyone :)

There may be a slight down time on the site. I'm transferring my domain and sometimes these can take time to re-establish.

Site Update

by Elena @ 26/03/2015 06:44 am  

I apologise for the down-time on the site. Mostly I am back up and running again, but there are a few glitches I'm still fixing. Some menus are double - I'm trying to fix those now. If you encounter any other issues, please comment below or email me: admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com

Thanks :)

Archive Update

by Elena @ 22/03/2015 04:01 pm  

I'll be updating the archive over the next day or so. Please be patient with me in case the install doesn't go well. All your stories are protected, and the database is backed up for reviews.


by Elena @ 31/01/2015 01:54 pm  

The forums are closed. I may re-start them from scratch as no-one is really accessing the forums anymore.

Database Roll-Back

by Elena @ 12/07/2014 11:54 am  

I had to roll the database back to the 6th of July. If any information was lost in the rollback, I do apologise.

EDIT 19/07/2014: All story files are safe, but the skins are not reflecting the story updates. Anything submitted to the archive between 06 July 2014 - 12 July 2014 (6 days) will need to be re-submitted.

EDIT 20/07/2014: Because I'm an idiot and didn't back-up the database before going through and deleting old, inactive accounts with no stories, I had to roll back to the database last backed up on the 17th of July 2014. I'm going to put myself to bed now and leave the database alone for tonight before I break my site completely :( I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Database Clean-up

by Elena @ 12/07/2014 11:53 am  

I'll be doing a database clean-up on the 19th and 20th of July. Anyone who hasn't logged in to the site in the last two years will be deleted. The only exception to this will be if you are an Author on the site (1+ stories).

If you want your membership to stay, then please log in to the
site so I do not delete you.

Due to spamming on the site, I?ll be doing regular clean-ups of the database and installing measures to prevent this from happening. If you do find any spam on the site, please report it ASAP so I can commence IP Banning and delete the user.

The Restricted Section

by Elena @ 09/03/2014 03:27 am  

If you are a member of this section of Gluttony, I will announce updates to the archive here :) If you are interested in posting your stories there, then please email me.

Password Resets

by Elena @ 11/02/2014 11:43 am  

Hi everyone :)

I've noticed many people are requesting their passwords to be re-sent to them. Please make sure your account has a valid email address so you can recieve your email containing your password. Please make sure you also check your spam filters and that admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com is added to your allowed list :) If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Staff Required

by Elena @ 13/01/2014 12:25 pm  

With a new year ahead of us, I'm calling for new Staff members. If you are interested in becoming an Admin, Validator or Moderator, please sign up to Temperance and fill out the Application Form.