Welcome to our new members and thank you to Zenzao for sharing your story with us :) Gluttony has slowed down lately, but I'm trying to get interest back to this site. It's just me who runs Gluttony and its been hard to compete with bigger sites. Hopefully I can poke some of the older members to pop back in to read and review.
As I'm now a super fan of the book Divergent by Veronica Roth, I'll be opening up Gluttony to Divergent Fan Fiction :)
The forum is now set up, ready for the P.I. Awards :) Nominations will commence from October 1 and run for two weeks. Voting will then be open for the nest week when the winners will be announced and your awards handed out.
I managed to restore an old back-up of Temperance, so I recovered past awards and memberships for the P.I. Awards.
With October fast approaching, the P.I. Awards will be open once again. If you have not already done so, please sign up to the forum for nominations and voting. Don't forget that the Restricted Section is also open, if you wish to join please email me at: admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com. Also, to get everyone rejuvinated, I'm also starting a few new things around Gluttony. There will be weekly awards to grab for stories and reviewers and a few fun things to do to help write and promote your own work. Keep your eyes open as news will be updated on the site. I know it has been quiet lately, as my real life has caught up with me, but I love the fact that Gluttony does have its small community of writers.
The Restricted Section is now open. Please contact me if you would like access.
The Pure Indulgence Awards is coming back this year. New Awards will be created, so get your stories updated, host your new works and poke your friends to join Gluttony and Temperance. The awards will be hosted during the month of October. So its time to get people excited now :)
With the move, I had to reset the Forums. If you'd like to join, Temperance is now available.
I have had to switch off comments to my news posts because of 'comment' spam. It is apparently due to malware on my site. Even though I do the virus scan of my domain with various Malware software, I'm passing all the tests and my site is deemed safe, it actually can't be.
I suspect this is also why spam has been popping up in reviews. This has prompted me to move webhosting again. So, fingers crossed for an easy move. While this is happening, Gluttony may be unabailable for a brief period while I do a fresh install of the code and reload the database and the stories.
I'm testing the site for more spam issues AND I'm also moving host servers to one that provides more security for the site. Please do not be alarmed, I have everything backed up and hopefully the move goes across smoothly :)
I have updated the defult layout of Gluttony and also working on the Restricted Section. Let me know what categories you'd like to see in this section so I can get it up and running :)
If you recieved multiple emails from the archive, I do apologise. It's system generated, so I had no control over it. I ended up with 6 of the same email :/
Its been a while since I dedicated time to this site, so this year I'll be making a few changes around the place and trying to get this place up and running a bit better. If any of you want something on here or on the forums, let me know :)
You can sign up for the forums now. I'm still working on them, but you are free to utilise what is there.
I am also opening up The Restricted Section. This is an adults only section and is by invitation only. This will be a passworded site and only members invited will have access. If there are any breaches of this, I will pull the site down. However, once it is up and running, pretty much anything goes there apart from a couple of things. But it will be a place you can post without being restricted to the standard Archive rules :)
Happy Australia Day to everyone :)
Next month, I will be hosting another review-a-thon. So poke your friends and post those stories up so we can get back into the swing of things. The forums will soon be ready to re-open and I'll also be hosting the P.I. Awards early, as we missed out last year.
If you use this sking and see any formatting issues, please let me know. Chapters that have an Author's note or Story Note may have a gap between the not and the story text. This is supposed to be that way. I am trying to shorten the gap.
I am looking for Staff once again. Validators and other Admin staff for the site and the forums. Please email me at: admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com if you are interested.
Gluttony will be opening up a Restricted Section. This is a place that will be password protected and only members I trust will be able to access this area. The Restricted Section will be a place where you can let go of the normal boundries of Gluttony's rules, and let your creativity take over.
When I re-open the Forum, you will all need to sign up again. Unfortunately, I cannot restore the database, so I have to start from scratch :(
I know, I'm going slowly...
I'm working on the site :)
I'm dedicating some time tonight to update Gluttony and validate current submissions.
I wish Gluttony had a 'like' feature sometimes ;) Facebook really is the worst procrastination tool ever invented...
Gluttony is OPEN!!!
I'm still fixing skins and adding the old ones back, but you can once again access your accounts and read, review and submit :)
Okay, database has been restored and now just have to tweak the site to update all the modifications I made, and we'll be up and running again :)
Thank you for bearing with me :)
Can't join the official National Novel Writing Month in November? Then no worries, Join the July Novel Writing Month...Starting NOW!!! ;) http://forum.julnowrimo.com/
Hi my fellow writers :)
I have updated my rule on 'Self Harm'. This is the new rule:
Self-Harm - UPDATED: As long as this subject is not glorified, we will consider stories of this nature. Please contact the Admin team in regards to this subject.
Please, do not test me on this - I will begin to allow more content and perhaps re-consider my position on some subjects, however, abuse of these re-rulings will result in the original rule to be re-instated and ALL stories that do not abide by that rule will be deleted from the archive if they do not change the content.
So please, take this time and opportunity to enjoy some of the freedoms that come your way. I only ask that you treat these changes with respect :)