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My Apologies

by Elena @ 03/11/2008 07:30 am  

I'm sorry I have been MIA. I went into hospital with an infection on Halloween and have only just got home.

I'll close up the P.I. Awards and get the voting happening.

Featured Stories and the P.I. Awards

by Elena @ 20/10/2008 06:25 am  

I have finally updated the Featured Stories List. Congratulations to all who made it in this month. As usual, the Defining Moments collaboration story will remain featured till it is completed :)

Remember, you CAN nominate stories to be featured, even your own!! If you wish to do this, then please go here: Nominate a Story .

The Pure Indulgence Awards will wrap up at the end of the month, so you'll all have till then to get your nominations in. Voting will open on November 1 and will stay open for 2 weeks. Although this is also when NaNo starts, I'm sure you can take a moment to stop writing to vote.

There are STILL categories open that no-one has been nominated in AND there are over 36 categories!! Go and nominate that favourite story, author, ship, member you wish to see praised!!! Every one has a chance at winning something...So go poke your mates and NOMINATE!!!

Featured Stories and NaNoWriMo

by Elena @ 19/10/2008 03:15 am  

My apologies go out to you all on my delay in getting the featured stories updated. Baby No. 3 was born on the 11th, and we're still trying to settle in at home :) While I'm doing that, I'll get around to a few of your author pages to read :)

Also people, don't forget that NaNoWriMo begins November 1. I'll be participating in this and don't forget to check the forums if you need anything during this time, if you are participating. Help and support will be there!!


October's Featured Author

by Elena @ 30/09/2008 05:00 pm  

Congratulations to NevillesSoulmate, who is October's Featured Author. To view the short survey given to NevillesSoulmate, then please click on the Featured Author link. To congratulate or ask a question to NevillesSoulmate, then please do so here.

Remember, you CAN nominate yourself or a fellow member to be featured, all you have to do is go here and post in that thread.


by Elena @ 29/09/2008 03:12 am  

Okay, all updates I have, have been restored. The last back-up I did was on the 27th of September at 11:50am, my time (standard Australian Eastern Time).

If there is anything else missing, I apologise. the official word from my server is this:

"Sorry for the inconvenience caused. There was a network conflict issue in the DC and this caused the rollback in the server. So kindly restore in from your your local backup. Replace the current public_html with your backup. Give a try and get back to us if you need further assistance on this issue."

Everything I have from the above date and time is back working normally. Again, if anything else is missing, I apologise.


Another Glitch

by Elena @ 27/09/2008 03:04 pm  

I apologise, I don't know what happened. Some how, my sites rolled back to an older version of itself. Possibly done server side. I have just restored a back up that I made just this morning, so if anything is missing, I am so very sorry.

All I can ask is that you re-submit chapters and hopefully it won't happen again. I'll keep making regular back-ups in case this happens again.

EDIT: Grrrr...Okay, bear with me as I figure out what is going on. I have contacted my host server but either way, I'm working on it! Some reviews and previously submitted chapters may not work, although some story information is there. I'm trying to restore a back-up of my server files, but may need my actual server company to restore this back up.

Please bear with me as I try and resolve this glitch!

Recent Down Time

by Elena @ 25/09/2008 03:41 am  

I apologise to you all if you were trying to access the site. My server reset my account and accidently turned off my permissions to access MYSQL, which is needed to run both the archive and the forums.

Everything is working again and I have made back-ups of the files, just in case anything else goes wrong. We should be okay though :)

My Absence

by Elena @ 24/09/2008 09:28 am  

I won't be around much in the next couple of weeks. As it gets closer to having baby no.3, I'm finding myself winding down, relaxing and just focusing on the family a bit.

Once bubs is born and I'm back at home, there is no doubt that I'll be back on here ready to keep things going. While I'm away though, if I'm needed ASAP, email me at admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com

Otherwise, there are the other Validators and Moderators around to have answer your questions :) Don't be afraid to email one of them or pop onto the forums to post your questions there. They'll get to you as soon as they can :)

Review-A-Thon Results

by Elena @ 21/09/2008 04:59 pm  
Congratulations to ALL participants, but especially to Holly Ilex, the Winner of Gluttony's second Review-A-Thon!!! The results are as follows:

1. Holly Ilex - 245 - Winner of the $20 Amazon Gift Voucher
2. Eyriana - 182
3. Georgia Weasley - 113
4. Ginwannabe - 100
5. Reallyginny - 3
6. Notenoughpotter - 1

Again, a huge thank you to all participants! Together, you left a total of 644 reviews to the archive, making many Author's very happy!!


by Elena @ 21/09/2008 02:59 pm  
Only 1 hour left, and I close all threads. Participants had better get all links in NOW!!! :)


by Elena @ 18/09/2008 04:34 am  

Coming Soon - Luxuria will be born. A place where Role Playing will be taken to new heights.

Luxuria will be a place to have fun, explore your creative side and find a place to lose yourself in. Even if you have a year off, you'll always know that you have a home at Luxuria!

The other side to this new home will be the place to develop your OC's. Original Fiction or Fan Fiction, no matter what your guilty pleasure is, you'll be able to build your own personal space, a home for your OC, a place to develop their character.

There are no limits, any human or creature of the night can dwell here, it's simply up to you how it all meshes and mixes together or will your OC stay safely in their own world?

I'll give you the place and the setting, the rest is up to you! :)

Interested in helping out, let me know! - admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

by Elena @ 17/09/2008 11:05 am  

What is NaNoWriMo?

From the official website: "National Novel Writing Month is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to novel writing. Participants begin writing November 1. The goal is to write a 175-page (50,000-word) novel by midnight, November 30."

November 1st marks the first day of NaNoWriMo. It's a crazy month full of stress, hair pulling, keyboard tapping (or bashing) but a LOAD of fun!

From first timers to returning participants, November will certainly be hectic. I have set up some NaNo forums on Temperance , so head on over and start posting, planning and getting ready for NaNo.

September's Featured Stories and a New Affiliate & Category

by Elena @ 15/09/2008 10:58 am  

I have updated the Featured Stories for September. Congratulations to all of those who made it in this month.

New Affiliate: Fortuna's Archive is a new story archive that not only caters for Fan Fiction, but is dedicated to Original Fiction and helping you to become published. It's a hard world out there, especially if you are wanting to become the next 'Best Seller'. So I think it's important to have places like Fortuna, not just to show case your work, but to have support in the highs and lows of trying to get published.

New Category: I have added in a NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) Category. NaNo takes place in the month of November every year and more and more writers are participating in this crazy event. This new category is to showcase your completed and incompleted NaNo works and I have two sub categories. They are Original Fiction and Fan Fiction.

In Rememberance

by Elena @ 11/09/2008 04:04 am  

It's hard to believe that 7 years ago, the world changed forever. Terrorism wasn't anything new, but it became very real for many of us. I can still remember watching things unfold on the news, yelling at the TV set, tapping on the screen, telling people to 'run'! It was devastating to watch and I simply can't imagine what it was like to actually be there at the time or go through the aftermath. Many people lost their lives that day. From those who were just starting their day, to the brave police and firefighters who entered the buildings that day to evacuate.

Here at Gluttony, we remember those who died and hope that the family and friends of those lost are still finding a way to recover. But most of all, my thoughts go out to the people and the city of New York. The bravery and courage to come out of all of this is inspiring. While some of us sit in our corner of the world, untouched by terrorism, you all bravely faced the reality of it, the loss and sadness, the anger and frustrations and everything else that goes along with it.

But what some of us will never know is the strength you all gave in re-building, moving over that day and not letting terrorism win. If I had half of that strength and courage, I think I'd be a better person. Today we remember you, the city, the brave, the loss, and the strength and courage that came out of that fateful day.

The P.I. Awards

by Elena @ 10/09/2008 05:57 am  
Please don't forget, even though the Review comp is going on right now, to use this time to also vote in the Pure Indulgence Awards. There are so many brilliant stories here and I'm sure there are a few you readers would like to see recognised in this way!

Review-A-Thon Updates

by Elena @ 10/09/2008 03:22 am  

WooHoo!! NOW we are over the 100 review mark for the competition!! Georgia Weasley just updated her links and she's sparkling on a pretty 101 reviews at the moment!!

Errr, I'm sorry. It seems I got excited over...nothing?? LOL

My excuse is that pregnancy ate my brain!!!

However, no-one has reached the 100 review mark yet!!! The stats are as follows.

1. Georgia Weasley - 93

2. Eyriana - 92

3. Holly Ilex - 87

4. Ginwannabe - 80

Review-A-Thon Stats and General News

by Elena @ 07/09/2008 02:04 pm  

Well, the latest Review-A-Thon has been running HOT! So far, out of the 6 participants, they have reviewed a total of 287 reviews!!! The break down of individual reviews to date is:

1. Georgia Weasley - 76 Reviews

2. Holly Ilex - 73 Reviews

3. ginwannabe - 68 Reviews

4. Eyriana - 66 Reviews

5. reallyginny - 3 Reviews

6. notenoughpotter - 1 Review

It is a close call as sometimes the top 4 are tied with each other. We are about half way through the competition now, so everyone still has a chance at winning! But a huge thank you must go out to the participants for their efforts and reading and reviewing our wonderful stories!!

General News

I have 3 weeks and 4 days to go till I'm due to give birth to baby #3! I'm finding that I'm getting a bit more tired, so I may not be around as much. Never fear, I'll still be contactable via email if really needed and on the forums :) However, if you have a question about validation or anything else, you may contact the other members of Staff or pop on over to the forums and post a question there. To find a list of email addresses to contact one of us, please visit the Help page, or use the Contact Us page.

Also, again for New Members or Returning Members -If you need a new password and you can't find the email, please check you have a valid, working email address then check all junk or bulk mail folders, as some free email providers may place the email there. If all else fails, you may email me and I can fix it on my side. Most people can get through without a hitch, a few members have a bit of trouble. I do apologise, however the way the software is set, I really have no control over it

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!! - To all the Dad's in Australia today :)

Queue Status

by Elena @ 01/09/2008 04:34 pm  

Okay, there isn't anything in the queue as I type, however after some re-coding (Thank you to Jenny on the eFiction Forums), this information is available to all members. If you submit a story to the queue and look back on the main page, you should now see that chapter/story waiting in the queue :)

Remember, when the queue is empty, no information shows up!!

September's Member of the Month

by Elena @ 01/09/2008 04:56 am  

Please congratulate Eyriana on being September's Member of the Month!! It seems the last few days have been good for her as she was also promoted on the site to a site Mod just a few days ago!!

If you wish to congratulate Eyriana or ask her a question, then please do so here .

Congratulatuons, you deserve it :)

Queue Status and a New Affiliate

by Elena @ 01/09/2008 02:48 am  

For some reason, my brain was telling me that everyone can see the Queue Status information. Thanks to Holly and Ginwannabe for testing it out and informing me of this problem. Apparently, only Admin's can see this information, but I am working to change that. I'd love it if everyone could see it. Gluttony is still 'slow' in comparason to other sites, meaning, not much comes through the queue, but I'd still like it if my members could see the status anyway. So, I AM working on it :)

Also, we have a new affilliate!!

The Best Of - This is a site where you can nominate the best stories you know of, to win awards. Although archives might run their own award system, it's also nice when a story is recognised by other sites and the Author can celebrate the fact their stories are thought to be the best of the best. So head on over and nominate for your favourite story now!

New Staff Members

by Elena @ 30/08/2008 07:00 pm  
We have a new additions to the staff. Please congratulate Eyriana on becoming a new moderator :)Also to ginwannabe and Georgia Weasley, who are Gluttony's newest validators!!

General Site News

by Elena @ 30/08/2008 05:00 am  

Staff Needed: I am still in need of some staff.

Moderators: I need one or two more people to be able to help monitor the site. I never ask for more then you are willing to give, so if your interested, just drop me a line and let me know. If you have done this before and haven't heard back from me, just give me a *poke* to remind me! I apologise in advance if I have missed anyone!!

I have changed the setting for rating MA18+. If you were a guest, you wouldn't be able to view this rating, unless you are a member. Guests may now view stories of this rating. May I remind you that stories of this rating, although they may contain slightly more descriptive scenes, do NOT have content in them that is considered NC-17 or R. Smut or extreme violence is NOT allowed on Gluttony. If you find any content in a story of this rating that you think shouldn't be there, then please email me at: admin[at]gluttonyfiction[dot]com

The Review-A-Thon is still going on at the moment, and I'm impressed by the level of competivness between the members. We currently have two members who are tied and we are only at the end of week 1.

If you wish to participate, and be in the running for the $20 Amazon Gift Voucher, please go here to sign up: Review-A-Thon Sign Ups

You must be a member of both Gluttony and Temperance to participate. While on this subject, if you aren't so competitive, but enjoy reading and reviewing, then why not take this opportunity to read the fantastic stories we have here on Gluttony and nominate a story in the Pure Indulgence Awards.

I have NOT selected a closing date yet as only very few people are nominating. There are over 36 awards that can be won. To see a preview of the graphical awards that might be won, have a look here: The P.I. Awards

To nominate for your favourite story, then please head on over to Temperance and have a look at what categories are available: Nominate Here

The Polls: Don't forget to take a second or two to have a say in the Poll questions. This is a great way to get to know what the members want/don't want and its done anonymously :)

Validation Time Turn-Around

by Elena @ 25/08/2008 02:56 am  

With a few new people signing up and wondering how long the validation process takes, let me assure you now...It doesn't take very long.

On the main page of Gluttony, where the Site Info is, is generally where you'll find the queue status. When there are stories waiting in the queue, there will be a message that says "5 stories waiting to be validated."

If there is no info at all, then there is nothing in the queue.

The actual validation process then depends on how long it takes me or another validator to read over your story. This could be a few hours - a few days, depending on how busy our real lives are.

If you are aged 18 or over, and would like to become a validator, then just contact me so we may discuss the matter :) I'm due to have a baby in the next 5 weeks, so I'll be needing extra help.

August Review-A-Thon

by Elena @ 24/08/2008 04:06 pm  

The August Review-A-Thon is now OPEN!

Participants: You may now begin to read and review. To view the official posting thread, go here:


(Please do not forget to sign in to Gluttony and review, that way I can still track what reviews you make)

If you haven't signed up to participate yet and you want to, then please go here:



by Jessi @ 23/08/2008 02:50 pm  

Good morning, Gluttony! I thought we could have a little chat about the 'ships' option when submitting a story.

There seems to be a thought floating around that when you choose your ships, you must choose every ship in the story. And, while thats very honorable as some do night like certain ships, that selection is there so that you may star your main ship.

You can choose to do that - which might attract more attention to your story, as it's easier to decipher what the story will be about when the categorical information is limited.

We have thusly added a new category to the ship classification: "Canon Ships".

We know that authors like to write more than just a straight romance fic, so that option would come in handy for anyone who is writing a general fic showcasing canon ships as their main ships in the fic, but not focusing on just one.

Or, if you're writing a Ron/Hermione, but are still showing Harry/Ginny and Luna/Rolf, you could choose "Canon Ships" and "Ron/Hermione".

Any questions, please drop us a line. :)